Friday, April 29, 2011

Jummah Mubarak!

Our this weeks Jummah SpEcIaL turned out really special. Alhumdulilllah (All Praise be to Allah swt) Allah is MOST KIND!

Well...guess what we found for the kiddies!
This is the most Coolest Sadaqah jar ever!
MashaAllah AR is absolutely in love with it! Alhumdulillah!
Remember a few months ago I made a Sadaqah Jar (Charity Jar/Picky bank) with my son, and he really wanted me to make it into a car, I tried and tried but it would not become a car. so we made this half ball type of a thing! (click here to see the post). I told him to make Dua to Allah swt and He will give him a car sadaqah jar, and He did! SubhanaAllah.
"SubhanaAllah mama, Allah gave me a CAR sadaqah jar" AR's word upon seeing it, with a HUGE smile to see the car shaped sadaqah jar! (MashaAllah)

DON'T forget to get your light! till next Jummah by reciting Surah tul Kahf. 

It was narrated by Abu Sa`id (r.a), Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays. [Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al-Habir]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

DIY / GIY storage bins

Living in Saudi Arabia I really realized the value of recycling and decomposing facilities that are available in the west. I pray they implement this over here too soon inshaAllah! Although, however, with the recycling system we also tend to recycle a lot of stuff that we can easily re-use one way or another. Today, I will share with you, how I have reused / up-cycled sturdy boxes from things we bought and turned them into storage solutions and homes for varies items. Its always convenient, easy for children and their Baba! to access items when they know where something belongs, keep things from mixing and getting lost.

You will need:
  • Recyclable boxes of different sizes
  • Scissors
  • Contact paper or fabric. We used fabric contact role, which cost us about $7 for a giant role. I was not too particular about the color and design, because the nice design ones were TOO expensive.
  • A pen for marking
  • Decorative ribbons and flowers (optional)
This is a great way to instill eco-consciousness in children as well from a young age. everything doesn't need to be bought. They can even personalize their own storage bins.

For the steps... I will let the pictures do most of the talking.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome spring art

We made a spring art piece with water bottle bottoms and caps. AR really enjoyed it alhumdulillah. We talked about how Allah swt brings one season after another, and how we feel cold at on time and hot at another. We talked about Allah swt for a while, and also how he changes different season and what they are. It was very informal.

We watched this 4 season time lapse video. 

We got this idea from, MPM School supplies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Side Effects of Fluoride

Did you know your toothpaste can be toxic for you anf your children? I remember when my son AR started teething and got his first tooth at around 14 months (I know... you must be thinking thats late! Pediatrition and children's dentists say its nothing to worry about. Its normal for children to not have teeth till about 17 months, after that, is when you need to get it checked out). I began to ask more experienced mom's what's the best toothpaste for children, I thought those who have more children would have more experience about what's right and what's not. Most of them recommended Stage 1 of Oral-B, we went and bought it. Although, most of his body products were either homemade, natural and plant based.

Alhumdulillah, a few weeks ago I found out that the fluoride in the toothpaste (or water) is extremely harmful. How did I find out? Well, my mom was diagnosed with 'Hypothyroidism' underactive thyroid gland, when I found out about it I did some research on what are somethings she can do to help her body heal. Of course, change of diet is one of things that can even help a cancer patient get better (bi'edhnillah). One of the things I came across was fluoride levels in our drinking water, which is really harmful for the thyroid gland and other things. (Alhumdulillah she was able to switch to distilled water.) All of sudden it clicked to me that  our toothpastes have fluoride in them, we immediately switched to fluoride free toothpaste. Alhumdulillah, I was able to find one at Nature Source.

When we moved to KSA, I brought one with me but then it finished...I was lost again. But, Alhumdulillah, Allah is Most Kind once again, we found a better one, called 'Aloe dent' made in UK. We all use the 'Aloe dent' now. I prefer UK products over North American products, even if they are natural and organic based. Allah knows best.

As for the water, Alhumdulillah we try to drink zamzam most of the time but sometimes, we mix the zamzam with the other water making dua to Allah swt to waste ALL the harmful things in the water for us.

I would just like to share with you some shocking information about fluoride and its side effects. I have some links at the bottom please take time and read and switch to a fluoride free toothpaste. May Allah swt protect us and our families from the harmful things in this Duniya and the Aakhirah. Ameen.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Train track letters

Letter practice using train tracks. We used AR's train track set we bought him last year for Eid-ul-fitr and made letters with it. I showed him that if he connected the tracks in different ways they make things, shapes and letters. He was thinking so hard to figure how to connect the tracks to form letters, it was really nice mashaAllah. We also practiced letter tracing using the trains. We also had H trace the letters and make them/break them with us, however she was more interested in breaking then making. :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

You are unique just like everyone else!

Everybody Knows:

You can’t do all things to all people.
You can’t do all things at once.
You can’t do all things equally well.
You can’t do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s.


You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.


You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due.
And you’ll be a most vital mortal.

Dare To Believe:

That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it’s more than a right, it’s your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And we’ll only get what’s written for you.

May Allah Bless you and keep you safe.

by: Zakia usmani

Book Review: Father Loves His Little One

A great bedtime/storytime book. AR, H, I and Baba all love these books. The best thing is they are board books, so its very sturdy for H.

Toddler fun

H's new found love....PLAY-DOUGH!!! Seeing her older brother playing with play-dough H started joining in the fun. Now, sometimes in the middle of the day if she finds the rawdah door open, she goes and get the play-dough zip-lock and brings it to me (telling me to open it for her).

Play with play-dough has great benefits for children

  • Builds fine-motor skills
  • Strengthening their muscles
  • Promotes creativity without boundaries (since there is no one way to play with play-dough)

What are some benefits you find playing with play-dough?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Book Review:The Gift of Jummah

InshaAllah from now on we will be adding this book to our Jummah checklist. "The Gift of Jummah" is a very well written book by "Shazia Nazalee", who has also the author of "Little Explorer" Magazines click here to see their website. My friend is a distributor in Canada for the LE Magazines, mashaAllah she is done a great job. You can also check out her blog Aasiya's Homeschool.

May Allah accept all of our efforts to please Him and live our life according to The Quran and Sunnah.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jummah special tent

We bought this Igloo tent for my friend's boys during this break, but turns out they already had one! So, she insisted that we keep it for the kids if they don't have one (which they didn't). We ended up keeping it and I thought it would be a nice Jummah special treat. We ended up opening it on Thursday because the kids discovered it. lol.

The kids LOVED it, they really enjoyed it Alhumdulillah. I was thinking of making it his nook but its too big for the Rawdah so we kept it in their playroom. I have great idea for the nook but it will be a LONG time till I actually come around it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Up-cycled: Flower Box

So I bought this box on sale for ONLY 6 riyals, slightly damaged, decided to up-cycle it by covering the burn on the lid.

This makes perfect storage for our future fabric flower projects, inshaAllah. 

I have a book on how to make different types of flowers from fabric, felt, ribbon and paper and some childhood experience. There are many wonderful blogs with tutorials teaching how to make flowers. Here is a link to one, she has a tutorial for a ribbon rose, you can use the same tutorial for fabric. The turquoise flower I made is the similar style but with a long piece of 2 inch wide fabric. Enjoy!

BTW, this is another project done sticking to the 20 mins a day rule, Alhumdulillah.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blow the candle!

Today we did a very random activity which AR really enjoyed and H tried it as well. We blew candles!!! It was a great practice for H to learn how to blow, she tried to imitate us SO hard.

The kids had a great time blowing them out, since they were scented candles we worked our smelling senses. We had to guess what  fruit or flower the candle smelled like. I loved the excitement AR had on his face every time he blew the candle and watched the smoke swirl in the air. He was so worried about his little sister, who kept trying to touch the candle, he would spontaneously respond and hold her hand back mashaAllah!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Muslim Travelers Guide

Assalamulikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuhu,

Incase some of you are wondering, where on earth have I disappered. We had gone out of town, to visit Harmain (the two holy lands: Makkah & Madinah), to cool the eyes of my beloved parents and also to perform Umrah. Alhumdulillah!

Our journey was long and tiring, but I tired to fill it with lot of fun, adventures and learning. With the izan (permission) of Allah. Alhumdulillah Allah swt has blessed us with countless opportunities to travel around the Kingdom and also around the world, and I pray that He does so in the future too. (Ameen). Many people have asked me how I deal with the kids in the car??! How I "tame" them if you want to call it that. InshaAllah I will be sharing some of the things/tips/ideas/experiences that have worked for us. Before I start I would like to add that it's not as easy as it seems, but its worth the try because traveling teaches us tremendously! This will inshaAllah be a great help for those who want to or LOVE to travel but have somewhat stopped after having kids. And also those who are just too worried about how to manage/entertain kids in the car or how to keep them in there seats (as much as possible) during long hours of a flight.

So here we go....

1.   Rely on Allah, and ask for tawfeeq (ability). Make dua and pray two nafil before leaving (if possible). What will you be asking for?
    • travel goes smoothly
    • kids stay calm and under control
    • provide us with unexpected learning experiences
    • your own sanity and calmness. 
    • His protection and mercy
    • to make the distance short and comfortable
    • to be able to enjoy and have fun
2.   Dua of traveling. Start the journey with the traveling prayers, if you are leaving someone behind know or read the supplication of the resident for them. Its a great way to teach the kids the dua and letting them know that we start everything with the name of Allah swt. AR looks forward to reading them and now H tries to repeat after us to mashaAllah.
  • I have this car "must haves".

Prayer mat, Fortress of the Muslim; morning & evening dua books; other Adhkar books; Arabic for dummies CD; Nasheed CD; Quran recitioan CD; Minshawis 30 Juz for children CD; a Mushaf; one book for AR and one for H; a book for myself and my husband; A waterproof mat in the trunk to sit anywhere (beach, parks, desert); favorite toys; Sunblock.

3. Different learning tools. 
  • Educational games. You can make your own or buy some travel games we had this travel board game and also a wrap up matching cards. 
  • Worksheets. Laminatting all the sheets will save you ink on your printer and you can reuse them everytime you travel. Try to chose images that relevent to your travel and the place you are traveling too. i.e Scavenger hunts: about the customs/culture, road signs, airport, different vehicles, car colors, nature, about the country/city. Map, so the child can mark the starting and ending point and where you are stopping. Other fun worksheets on topics that interest you child. (Remember, DO NOT make the car into a class room! have fun and let them have fun too, if they are not interested in doing something thats fine, so not force them to do ALL the activities you brought!). 
  • I spy bags. You can purchase them from etsy. (we made a temporary one with a sturdy ziplock bag, I will either be purchasing one or making my own). 
  • Books. Have a variety of reading books and activity books. I would recommended wipe-out books, if you don't have those then try laminating the pages.
  • Small size etch-a-sketch board. For the toddler to doodle on, or even the preschooler. H loves her doodle board because it fits perfectly in her tiny hands mashaAllah.
  • White board. A small size white board and some colored white board markers.
  • Paper & clipboard. For coloring and some colors attached to the clipboard with a yarn.
  • SING ALONGS! We sing a lot. We try to get baba to sing to but he has to focus on the driving because of the rash Bedouin drivers who almost killed us on several occasions! Singing nasheeds, nursery rhymes and reciting Quran has helped AR memorize a lot of things. We even create our own nursery rhymes. 
  • Listening Materials. Nasheeds, Quran, Lectures (for the adults when the kid are sleeping), Arabic for dummies or Rosseta Stone. I really want to get audio stories inshaAllah.
4.   Snacking time. Have healthy, sweet and salty snacks, that you have prepared from home for the whole family to munch on (I love snacking while traveling! I also take tea for us in a thermos!). 

5.   Comfy and cozy. Keep the kids in comfortable and easy to move clothes even if you are going to visit someone. Keep blankets if you think you wont have any. I normally change the kids quickly before we arrive to our destination, unless of course they are sleeping and its night time.

6.   Traveling by plane. PLEASE save yourself the trouble of listening to those aunties who tell you to OVERdose your children with baby Tylenol or Advil. INSTEAD, you can avoid giving hyperactive foods, give them a bath before living so they are calm. Before leaving from home I always fill there sippy cups with "Chamomile tea". It works wonderfully in keeping them calm and soothing them to sleep. I also keep the homeopathic medicine called "Chamomile 30", it helps with ear aches that are caused by the take off, crankiness due to absolutely ANY reason!, I always keep this is my diaper bag medication pouch. 
7.   Traveling by car. When driving try to travel during the day-time so children can actually enjoy and look at Allah's nature from the window. Try to also plan most of your activities and trips to places during the day time as well, that will help you because children will be less cranky and fussy. Also make sure that children are well feed to avoid any meltdowns and crankiness.
8.   New toy! This always works like magic (astaghfirullah) but really! it works like a miracle! even if its worth a dollar. Children get so happy...try to pick something that your child will like. I SOMEtimes rap it as well.

9.  Toy back pack. For an older child its easier to keep a back pack with their things in it

Controlling kids in a car or even in a plane is an "ART" that you will have to gain if you want to have a smooth ride to your destination. I would like to call it "The Art of Travel". I am still working on gaining strength over this art, every journey has taught us something new and something to work on. "With practice comes perfection". However, always remember that "Perfection" is ONLY for Allah, we can master something but, know that true perfection is ONLY and ONLY for Allah. Walillahil Hamd! (And for Allah is the praise)
Its perfectly normal to be scared and worried about how to travel with kid (by car or plane). I was the point that I just wanted to blink my eyes and arrive at our destination, I know I had no magic carpet. We said bissmillah and embarked on the journey which opened doors to a world we were missing out on! Alhumdulillah, tawfeeq comes from Allah. Every journey has taught us SO much. 
InshaAllah I will be posting soon about what travel teaches us.

Please share any tips and advice you have to improve our next journey inshaAllah.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy spring! Adhan Practice and Importance

Happy spring...enjoy the weather and feel the breeze!

Alhumdulillah for being able to live in a Muslim country. Alhumdulillah for the great weather. we keep the windows open in our house, at every Salah time we can hear the adhan and the jamma'ah. Its such a blessing because the kids notice it and try to imitate it, and once the Adhan is done they actually pray! AR goes to make wudu and since H is at an imitating age, so whenever she sees me praying she runs to get her pray-mat to pray as well. MashaAllah, its amazing.

So today I decided that from now on I will be doing the following to to encourage their behavior and interest inshaAllah.

  1. Try to leave everything and sit down to listen to the Adhan and reply to it together
  2. Say the after Adhan supplication together and make a small dua after that (I will also discuss with AR the excellence of making dua after the adhan and how dua is readily accepted after Adhan with ahadeeth) 
  3. Help AR memorize the Adhan (inshaAllah).
  4. Sing the wudu nasheed "This is the way we do Wudu" (Will post it inshaAllah)
  5. Use the Learning roots "What's next?" cards to teach and focus on one step per two days.
  6. We are already doing the times  and rakkaat of Salah now I will also try to point at Salah we are listening to. e.g: (pointing at maghrib) "its maghrib time, come lets listen to the Adhan and make dua"
NOTE: I will be updating this post inshaAllah!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Butterfly worksheets

Life cycle worksheet we got from here. He had to cut and paste them in order.

Butterfly coloring page, we used three different mediums of to color. Hockey puck crayons, oil pastels and pencil colors.

Life cycle of a Butterfly

AR's first ever book, illustrated by mama! I have to add that this was lots of fun and it also turned out to be a GREAT learning aid! We are definitely going to be making more inshaAllah.

You will need:

  • Foam paper
  • Permanent marker
  • Hand single hole puncher
  • Fiber yarn (from the rice bag)
  • Colors to color the pictures
  • Construction paper to cut the eggs, leaves and caterpillar out,
  • Stapler

Butterfly craft

AR loves hand prints so we made a butterfly with hand prints!

Insects: Butterfly

We have been looking into insects and we started of with B baa butterfly.
We started of by:
1.    Reading Sulaiman (a.s)'s story and discusses how Allah swt ha given him the abilty to communicate to insects and animals.
2.   Then we looked into "Children's Picture encyclopedia" (its a great book!)

3.  He picked the butterfly so we looked into the butterfly
4.  Watched the following videos on youtube about the butterfly life cycle.
      a) Click here MAKE SURE TO MUTE THE VIDEOS
      b) Click here 
      c) Click here
    We watched a few more you can surf around for them. It was really amazing SubhanaAllah for both of us.
5. Talk about Allah's creation, how Allah swt's made these beautiful butterflies in all different colors.
6. Butterfly craft
7. AR's first ever bool "Life cycle of a butterfly
8. A worksheet
9. Butterfly coloring page
10. Butterfly mobile
11. Origami Butterfly.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mom's golden advice


Bismillah hi rahmanir raheem.

I want to share the story of our princess H and the power of dua.

I would like to start by saying Alhumdulillah for healthy and beautiful children Allah has blessed us with. Having healthy complete children is an inconceivable blessing which a lot of people take as granted!

The story of our princess started when we introduced solids to her at around 5 months. Her stool would be bright green and very mucusy. I knew right away that there was something wrong. I did a lot of reading on the internet, asked people, emailed doctors and then concluded that she was sensitive to something she was eating or me (which was going to her through nursing), meaning she might have some sort of allergies. I spoke to an expert and she told me not to worry to much as long as she is not having a some serious signs of allergies, such as asthma, eczema, hives and blood in the stool.

She was waking at night here and there being a little cranky sometimes, but it was all fine until I saw blood one day in her stool, I got really worried about her and started crying! I made lots of dua for her and Alhumdulillah  that was the first and the last time I saw blood in her stool. Alhumdulillah.

I was feeding H everything like normal infant would, except egg (she didn't like it and it would give her a 10 minute rash around her lips and cheek), and avoided milk products, However, her stool still had mucus and would sometimes wake up crying for no apparent reason in the middle of the night. When she reached the mark of toddler-hood (she turned 1) I wanted to start milk with her, because with ALL the house work, homeschooling and nursing I was feeling SO drained by the end of the day! I just wanted her on a bottle at least once a day (milk, not formula). So I started adding milk in her diet here and there to get her use to it, but it was the same thing, crying at night, I would say even worst! So I stopped.

About a month ago someone came to our house and saw her legs and said that she has eczema. She also added saying that her daughter was allergic to ALL sorts of things and she had eczema and asthma. There was also a nurse there who said something around these lines: "Yeah, it looks like eczema but you can't know until you get it tested!". A few week earlier I was testing H to see what she was reacting to and I had pretty much concluded it was cow's milk, because she showed intolerance to "Lactose free milk" as well.


So the next day I called my mom and told her about how H is allergic to milk I think, but there is no real sign for it and how the ladies at our house had said such and such. (note: I had a very concerned/convinced mommy voice that nothing can be done for her except illuminating milk). My mom listened to me first and then said to me:

Amma: "You are talking as if you have NO trust in the Power of Allah"
(I am thinking in my mind NO, thats not the case! I stayed quite though) she continued saying: "I understand that she cries at night and milk is affecting her, its a well known fact that children's digestive system takes 2 years to completely get use to different foods some children are more sensitive than others. You are saying that Alhumdulillah there is nothing serious that needs immediate care, so inshaAllah when you go back in summer then get her checked. But you need to STOP discussing this with people and start ONLY asking Allah to cure her completely."

Me: "I do, but its been a while she has been going through this."

Amma: "ok, so that means that if you start getting peoples opinions and asking people what to do instead of Allah, it will help change state of her health??"

Me: "No, I know only Allah can give her shifa and Alhumdulillah its not like she is diagnosed to have allergies yet."

Amma: "I would say from now on, just drop this subject (meaning don't talk to anyone about it), erase everything anyone has said to you and put your trust in Allah and make dua for her with FULL conviction that ONLY HE can cure her. I will also make dua for her inshaAllah, I might be going to Makkah I'll make dua for her there too inshaAllah. Give her Zamzam to drink with the intention to cure her." She added a Hadeeth (paraphrased) 'When we rely on people, or turn to people for help then Allah leaves us in the hands of those people.' So, go and ask Allah to cure her and HE is Qadir (All Powerful) on doing that"

Me: (in tears, but realizing that, its true that its only HIM how can help me until I actually go the doctor, or might not even have to do that) "Ok, inshaAllah."

BY ALLAH THE LORD OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, THE ONLY ONE WORTH OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE, THE MOST KIND, THE EXALTED ONE! Our little girl was AMAZINGLY cured by ALLAH THE AL MIGHTY ALLAH in less then a week! she had been dealing with this for almost 13 months!! Alhumdulillah for the past 2 weeks she has been drinking a bottle of cow's milk in the evening and she sleeps like a baby throughout the night (just gets up for water or nursing and goes right back to sleep) no endless tears of pain!

Lessons I got from this:
  1. ONLY Allah can helps us, not that I didn't know that but the conviction level needs to be stronger. We unknowingly start expecting people to help us when we start sharing our problems and matters with them. I was  asking/talking to different people about her state of health, WHY? To get them to give me a convincing answer/solution. I was not intentionally doing that... I should have ONLY turned to Allah from the start. 
  2. Listening to our parents even when we think they are wrong (as long as they are not telling you to commit shirk or do Haram) can be in benefit for us because Allah will be pleased with you. (At first I felt like, my mom's not understanding, but when she said the Hadeeth, I said to myself YOU are not understanding!)
  3. Nothing in our life happens without a purpose. The purpose behind this in m eyes was the fact that I was exclusively able to nurse H for more then a year. We all know the countless benefits of nursing.
  4. The power of the parents dua! It saddens me to even think of the day when the shade/blessings/barakah/duas of our parents will end upon their death.
  5. I kept thinking about what my mom said and remembered this aayah from suratul Al-'Isra 11 "And man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, and man is ever hasty." This ayah made me think so much, for as to maybe I was asking for shar (evil) unknowingly when I was putting my issue in-front of people who really couldn't help me! All, most of them would say was "Yeah she is allergic, our this is the way the allergies start and then they get worst! someone even said stop the dairy right away or she could die (me: WHAT!?? imagine someone telling you that about your child...wouldn't you want to take precaution if that matter could cause them harm). Whatever these people were saying was maybe getting accepted which I was not aware of. I was hasting for a solution and turning to people was not the right way to go about it...but to me it seemed wrongfully right! 
  6. How blessed I am to have a wonderful mom like her!! I pray that Allah makes us sadaqah jariyah for them. rabbir ham huma kama rabbayani saghira'. Ameen

Words for my mama!

Nothing like a mother 
who reminds you of Allah when you are falling apart,
who commands you to be patient when things are getting hard,
who loves you even when you don't listen to her (we all do that one time or another),
who reminds you to join kinship,
who reminds you that your husband's Jannah is not you, its his mother!
who reminds you to leave this Duniya because she wasted her youth on it and it didn't benefit nothin'
who reminds you of ALL the blessings Allah has given you, so you can be grateful to Allah
who reminds you that you can do it when you feel like you cannot.
who teaches you to overlook the shortcomings of other and look at the good of others,
who reminds you (repeatedly) that your Jannah is in the obedience to your husband,
who reminds you to better yourseslf as a wife and a mother.
who reminds you of things Allah has protected you from.
and most of ALL 
who reminds you of ALLAH when you need HIM the most!!

I love my mother!

It's Jummah!

We will be adding this to our Jummah checklist! InshaAllah!
Enjoy watching! Jummah Mubarak!

Jummah Checklist

May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family by plentitude of blessings....Ameen!

Here is our little people's Jummah Checklist, We made this in January to start our year nice and fresh. I have to say that I simply LOVE checklist! they make life SO EASY, because we don't have to go through you brain files brainstorming things you need to get done.

CLICK HERE for the checklist

In KSA its not that common for women to go for Jummah specially in our small town, but inshaAllah we will be trying to go for Jummah from next week. It would be good for the kids. 

Stay tuned for our Big people's checklist inshaAllah. :)