I am hoping to get back in routine inshaAllah. Its been super busy since we got back from our Vacation. InshaAllah I will be posting about all the different things we have been up to lately, and also reply to all your questions...if Allah SWT permits me too. Now, let me start off with telling you all a little bit about our trip. I think its always best to plan things before hand, this way you have a map of things to be done in your mind/paper/iphone/laptops, whatever it is that suits your way of life.
So, here we go...
Our Vacation started by visiting my brothers and their families in Riyad for a week. The kids had a great time, I got a chance to catch up with my sister in-laws after the kids were asleep. From there we headed off to London, England where we had planned to meet my in-laws, I think it was a great, fun reunion.
We had carefully planned our 4 days stay in London. We organized it such that we got to see all the that were special about London. Also, things that would interest kids and give then something to do. One thing I liked most about London was they had these healthy vegetarian sandwiches readily available everywhere (almost). And one thing that was very disappointing was the lack of wheelchair accessibility. From London we headed to our final destination...
Toronto! Alhumdulillah it was a busy and fun filled summer. We visited lots of places, did lots of things, ate lots of healthy and yummy foods and attended some playgroups with my friend from her Homeschooling group. Got to catch up with some good old friends (Alhumdulilah) and was not able to meet some due to the busy routine. We had a busy Ramadan, with fasting, Quran, taraweeh and iftaar invitations. By the end of the vacation we all just wanted a
vacation from the vacation. Our flight back to KSA was on the third day of Eid, which was sad and super tiring. However, we were also happy that we would get to see my family too before Eid ends. Finally, home sweet home.
Here are some snapshots of another memorable summer vacation.
London, England
Science Museum
Kids at the science water center (left bottom corner) |
Everytime we took the subway from this stop we would grab some fresh local fruits for the day to snack on. |
AR was excited to go on the London Eye. We all really enjoyed the ride. |
SubhanaAllah Amazing Sea life at the London Aquarium. |
Jellyfish! AR would not move from this spot, he stood there for about 10 mins, we had to physically remove him from there due to the lineup behind us! He loves Sharks and Jellyfish.
Big Ben from London Eye. |
Another beautiful view from London Eye. |
Both the kids really enjoyed the bridges, especially when we would go under them on the tour boat. |
We saw this bag of chips in london and found it very interesting,t he flavor was called "Norfolk bloody Mary" |
One of the first things we did in Toronto was attended the Journey Of Faith conference, despite the fact that we were all summer tired we all really enjoyed ourselves. We ran into some of our friends and family.
MashaAllah all these bothers and sisters took Shahdah. |
Kids @ Splash Park with their cousin "taaki"by my in-laws's apartment. |
Niagara falls... been there many times but still its beautiful, as long as you don't turn around (to the busy market and restaurant street). |
We went to Niagara and Birdkingdom with my younger brother. He was dressed in a thobe, so a man approached him and said "what do I have to do to wear this?" MashaAllah that brother was ready to take shahdah, but he wanted to do in a masjid. ALLAHU AKBAR! |
My father-inlaws BBQ,! He is a fun loving man, he was super excited to BBQ this year and was anxiously waiting for us come in summer. |
Alhumdulillah I got a chance to attend this one day class, it was a beneficial reminder. I really wanted to gather some family and go over some important points but, time was too tight. Jazakallahu Khairan to my hubby and mother in-law who watched the kids, because of them I was able to go take the class.
Last 2 years all the men from my in-laws get together and go camping for a night. AR went with his Baba and Dada both years and really enjoyed himself. |
We went to Muslim Fest for a few hours to check it out and eat! |
We did a family Eid gift exchange on the 29th of Ramadan, it gets to rushy rushy on Eid day. We had lots of lovely, fun and educational gifts. |
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