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According to many scholars of Tafseer (Quran exegesis) these are the first 10 days of Dhul Hajj.
7 acts of Virtue in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj for those who are not performing Hajj
- Siyaam (fasting) of the first nine days of Dhul Hajj.
- Abu Qataadah (radiallahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Observing fast on the Day of Arafat; I expect Allah to expiate the sins that were committed during the preceding year, and the sins that will be committed in the year after." (Imam Muslim)
- On the authority of Hafsah r.a, she said: " Fasting the day of 'Aashoora' (the 10th of Muharram), the first 9 days of Dhul Hajj, three days of each month, and performing two Rakkah before noon."
- Recting the Tahleel, Takbeer, Thameed out loud in the markets, homes, mosques, and roads.
- The Prophet SAW said: "There are no days on which righteous deeds are greater in the sight of Allaah and dearer to Him than onthese ten days. So, intensify Tahleeland Tahmeed."
- Tahleel - La IlaahaIllaAllaah "there is no one worthy of being worshiped but Allaah"
- Takbeer - Allaahu Akbar "Allaah is The Greatest"
- Thameed - Alhamdu lillaah "praise be to Allaah"
- Ibn Umar and Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhum) used to go out to the marketplaces during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah and recite out loud the takbeer and people would repeat it after them.
- Repentance - Repenting and avoiding sin to acquire the forgiveness and Mercy of Allah SWT
- Try to read the Sayidul istaghfar as many times as possible
- Doing extra voluntary (Nafil) good deeds while avoiding sin and disobedience to Allah SWT.
- Allah SWT says in a Hadeeth Qudsi "I will declare war against a person who shows hostility to one of My Allies (devout slaves). The most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me is what I have made obligatory on him; and My slave keeps drawing closer to Me through performing voluntary acts of worship until I love him. When I love him I will be his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, andhisleg with which he walks; and if he asks (something) from Me, I will give him, and if he asks My Refuge), I will protect him"
- Dhikr (remembrance) of Allah
- Sadaqah (charity)
- Praying all Sunnahs for each Salah (prayer)
- Praying more Nafil prayers
- SMILE more! :D
- Enjoing the good and forbidding the evil
- Recite! Recite! Recite! The Quran
- Be Extra helpful to your parents - If you have them rejoice! If they are far, call them say some kind loving words (and get their duas), send them extra money if they're dependent (and see who your life will flourish wiht Barakah). If they're close... then make it a point to do something extra for them (and I don't mean make them a cup of tea!)
- Allah SWT says: "We have instructed man to honour his parents." (29:8)
- Be the Best spouse! and ask Allah SWT to make you the best one. Go OUT of your way to do things for your spouse.
- Parent-hood. You are the best Parent (inshaAllah) so be it!
- DUAS... don't miss out the day of Arafah (9th of Dhul Hajj) in preparing your next day Eid Party!
- Think of others Ihsans you can do in you Ebadah and Ikhlaaq
- Udhiya - Sacrificing of an animal on the 10 of Dhul Hajj (Yawm-un Nahr).
- It's a sunnah of our prophet Ibrahim a.s (Abraham) who was commanded to sacrifice Ismaeel a.s, but Allah SWT at the very moment of sacrifice ransomed him with a ram. Prophet Muhammad (saw) followed ibrahim a.s's sunnah and so do we till this day.
- It is important to remember that sacrificing of the animal dose not benefit us or washes our sins, as Allah SWT says "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah. it is you peity that reaches Him." {Quran 22:37}
- Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice, may not approach our Musalla (place of prayer - on the ‘Eid)."(Ibn Majah #2533, Ahmad)
- Things to refrain from for the NON- Pilgims who intend to do a sacrifice.
- Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: "When you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah, and one of you wants to sacrifice an animal let him refrain from cutting or shaving his hair or clipping his finger nails, or toenails."
- Allah SWT says: "And do not shave off your heads until lthe sacrificial animal is slaughtered."
- Eid Prayer and the Khutbah.
- Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "The day of al-Fitr, and the day of an-Nahr, and the days of at-Tashreeq (the three days after an-Nahr) are our days of Eid (festivity); and they are days of eating and drinking.” (Saheeh) Musnad Ahmad:1945)
- Some scholars are of the opinion that it's obligatory to pray the prayer. Regardless of if one holds this opinion or not, one should make it a point to get up and get the whole family ready for Eid prayer and let the kids know from the very start that these are the days Eid WE as Muslims celebrate. It's important to make Islamic celebrations SPECIAL for our little ones so they don't find the urge to celebrate non-Islamic events. On contrary they eagerly wait to get their special Eidi or Eid gift, special Home decor, and family get-togethers.
My personal advice is to make a checklist or a schedule for all the things you want to achieve in these days. It will keep you motivated and help you make the most out of these days. May Allah SWT grant us the Tawfeeq (ability) to keep the changes we (Pilgirms and non-pilgrms) make in these days a part of our lives. May He the Exalt accept our Ebdaat and accept the Hajj of the Hujjaj. Ameen!
JazakhiAllahu khair for sharing sister,
ReplyDeleteSister, on this hadith (On the authority of Hafsah r.a, she said: " Fasting the day of 'Aashoora' (the 10th of Muharram), the first 10 days of Dhul Hajj, three days of each month, and performing two Rakkah before noon.) instead of 10 days it has to be first nine days right? Some scholars translate this as 9 days and some say it is the 9th day (at least this is how I learned). Anyways it is good to fast during these blessed day inshaAllah.
Wa Eyaki. and also Jazakillahu Khairan for pointing that out sister :).
ReplyDeleteJust compiling this, so much was refreshed and renewed in my memeory, Alhumdulillah.
Yes, you are right sister, I think it was just a typo, and that is what I learned as well. That's why I made it clear, under Siyam that it's 9 days of fasting. JazakiAllahu Khairan sister.