Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zaky's Adventures

A dear friend recently told me about these great Islamic cartoons for kids. It's called "Zaky's Adventures" My little man has simply been in-love with the previews! We can't wait to get our hands on some DVDs. He watched them over and over again, lol. Since he was sick, I let him watch them for however long he wanted too, usually he has a limited laptop time. I am a big advocated of NOT putting children in front of the screen for more then an hour, and absolutely NO exposure for children under two.

The Story of Abraham (a.s) with Zaky

DO check the related videos for more previews!

I would love to know what you guys think about the videos... :)


  1. Bismillaah

    Gotta check it out.........never heard of it. I'm trying to find more Islaamic programs. Still searching....but thanks for the post

  2. Yeah you should... Its amazing..no music too! lol. Jazakillahu Khairan to my friend who told me about it! I had never heard or seen it either.
