Saturday, April 23, 2016

Book Review: Learning to Listen, Learning to care - A workbook to Help Kids learn Self-Control & Empathy

We have been using this book "Learning to Listen, Learning to care" by Lawrence E. Shapiro, as a family to help better ourselves. It is a great Character building book. Initially, I purchased it for the kids, interesting now we have a family session where kids and I sit together and go over one question or one whole activity, then together right our responses. 

It ends up being a great writing and literacy session. This author has a series of similar books that covers many different topics on character building and helping children be better human beings. I highly recommend this book, especially for boys who are not too keen about discuss their emotions. We don't write in the book we answer the question in our personal diaries.

Here is a sample Activity lesson to give you an idea. 

Activity 7 - page 1

Activity 7 - page 2

Actvity 7 - page 3

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Richard Hammond - Engineering Connections

This is an amazing documentary series to compliment related topic. My son really enjoys them and finds them fascinating.

Episode List

Burj Al Arab
Formula 1
Super Tanker
The Earthquake Proof Bridge
The Space Shuttle 
Bullet Train
Airbus A380
Taipei Tower
Deep Space Observer
Super Rig
Wembley Stadium
Sydney Opera House 
HMS Illustrations
Guggenheim Bilbao
Millau Sky Bridge
Hong Kong International Airport